Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mar. 30, 2010 - Switch by Chip and Dan Heath

"For anything to change, someone has to start acting differently." Why is it so difficult for change to happen? The older we get, the more set in our ways we are. The way we act has become an engrained habit which is difficult if not impossible to change. Have you ever noticed that people tend to sit in the same spot on the bus or the same table at a conference, even though there is no seating plan? How are traditions established? Because, people like a certain activity and don't want that to change - they make it a part of their family routine. If change is so difficult to accomplish, why bother at all? Let's just agree to be consistent and leave it at that. But sometimes change is necessary for our personal growth, our health or our emotional state. The authors identify three ways to establish change in your family life, personal life, career or community - direct the rider, motivate the elephant and shape the path.

We've all experienced changes in our lives and gotten through them. Life is indeed a series of big changes - childhood, adulthood, new job, a baby's birth, and even death which is inevitable. There is a comfort in doing things the same way you always have but this causes people to stagnate and be unmotivated. If we are to grow and learn, we need to start embracing change and looking for opportunities that will help us evolve. As long as we are not changing for the sake of change, but rather for improvement or to update an outdated system or way of thinking.

The concept of change is difficult for many to embrace but nevertheless, it is important in our lives. Without any change, improvements cannot be made and lessons cannot be learned. As the famous Ghandi quote says, "Be the change you want to see in the world." It all starts with you.

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