Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dec. 29, 2009 - 10 Ways to Let Go of Your Stuff by Erin Rooney Doland

Christmas is a great time for cleaning and decluttering the house in my family. As a teacher, I have two weeks vacation during this time of year and, as a result of "no school", my teenagers are also home to help. "Out with the old and in with the new" is an adage that comes to mind as we try to find space not only for the inevitable chaos of clutter created by the Christmas gift-giving tradition but also from our yearly cornucopia of purchases.

We have tried to simplify by buying gifts only for the children in our families as well as reducing the items we purchase for our own family. Volunteering with organizations such as Operation Christmas Child or participating in a food drive make a huge impact on how my children view Christmas. They realize that they already have everything they need whereas some children and families do not even have the basic necessities. Regardless, a certain amount of "stuff" still needs to find a place in our home.

Therefore, this article from Real Simple magazine, is very timely. Not only does Christmas create clutter but the end of the year is also a time when many people try to tie up loose ends, take stock of their lives or make resolutions for improvement in the coming year. New beginnings are always appealing. Here, Erin Rooney Doland sums up 10 of her best ideas for letting go of your "stuff". These include letting go of the guilt, facing the fact that "one day" never comes, and adapting to your surroundings. As I read her suggestions, I chuckled at some of the excuses or justifications I have used in the past for keeping an item. In the grand scheme of things, people are generally alike.

In addition, Erin's blog was a great source of information and she has written a book entitled "Unclutter Your Life in One Week" available at Amazon. David Allen has written the foreword for her book and Peter Walsh of "It's All Too Much" fame (my favourite book so far on decluttering) delivers high praise with the comment "Simple, practical advice that makes one week truly life changing. A great resource!" Finally, my old favourite website, FlyLady, is worth checking out for cleaning and decluttering tips to inspire a revolution of organization and simplicity in your home.

As Erin says in her book "Less stuff means less stress!" Now, time to stop blogging and take action. My basement is in need of some attention.

Dec. 28, 2009 - Getting Things Done by David Allen

"Welcome to a gold mine of insights into strategies for how to have more energy, be more relaxed, and get a lot more accomplished with much less effort." A lofty aspiration that many of us covet, including myself. This past year, I have often felt quite stressed with my life - too many things to do and not enough time to accomplish everything and still have time for myself. The utopia promised in this book is appealing but I wonder if the ideas proposed will work for me.

As we have all learned, nothing happens without considerable effort. Simply reading a book of strategies is not enough to make lasting changes. Discipline and commitment are necessary combined with some inspiration, which is where the book comes in. I am hoping that some advice will strike a chord, provide a new idea or trigger a reminder that will help me achieve a greater balance between work, family and personal commitments.

Recording and then organizing the jobs and commitments constantly swirling around in our minds is the focus of the first section. I have always been a "to-do-list" person so this is not a new idea. However, the categorizing of our "in-box" into different areas is a good suggestion as well as the reminder to review our list at the end of every week. Taking action or deciding on the action required and the timeline necessary is the difficult part. This is something I can easily relate to. Quite often a task that seems overwhelmingly time-consuming has caused me to procrastinate in taking action. When I finally decide what needs to be done and then do it, I find it never takes as long as I had imagined in the first place. Nike's "just do it" motto comes to mind here.

Although nothing earth-shattering or life-changing has been suggested yet, I will continue reading as I am certainly interested in reducing the overwhelming, stressful schedule that has become my life.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dec. 27, 2009 - Focal Point by Brian Tracy

Today I picked up a few self-help books from the library. This being the end of one year and the beginning of a new one, improving my life by setting new goals seems appropriate and timely. Many people set New Year's Resolutions. I like to choose a motto for the year instead. This usually takes much thought as the motto must reflect my goals and aspirations for the new year. I am hoping that some reading material may assist me in formulating my 2010 motto.

"A Proven System to Simplify Your Life, Double Your Productivity and Achieve All Your Goals." As the subtitle suggests, this book proposes straightforward, simple, but key ideas to help people achieve their goals in life. This includes business and career goals, family and personal goals, money and investments, health and fitness, personal growth and development, social and community activities, and spiritual development leading to inner peace.

After a short anecdote, the first chapter begins with the statement that there are only four things you can do to improve the quality of your life. Sounds simple and yet, when you consider the four principles, you realize the profound truth behind them: do more of certain things, do less of certain things, start doing things you are not doing and stop doing other things altogether. Seems reasonable and easy to achieve but deciding what these activities should be requires some consideration. Which activities are beneficial to us and important stepping stones in achieving our goals and which are not?

One thing that is obvious in the anecdotes shared is that one must have the desire and the discipline to make these improvements and changes. As in any job or activity, we must take the initiative to analyze our situation and then follow through with a plan to improve the quality of our lives.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Dec. 26, 2009 - New York by Edward Rutherfurd

The theme of freedom continues to dominate the plot of this historical fiction novel. The chapter entitled New York, traces the life of Quash, an African slave who works for the "Boss", Dirk van Dyck, his Dutch master. Quash is treated as a member of the van Dyck family, helping his master through many challenges and tragedies as well as accompanying him on his voyages. Eventually, Quash meets Naomi, a slave girl who comes to work for the van Dycks. As time progresses, they fall in love, live together and have two children, a boy, Hudson and a girl, Martha. Both children are accepted into the family and things are good for everyone. Unfortunately, a terrible fever eventually takes the lives of Naomi and Martha, leaving Quash alone with his son.

At this time, many gentleman are beginning to write English wills and Dirk decides to have one secretly written that grants Quash and his son their freedom upon his death, something that Quash has always dreamed of. Unfortunately, the Master becomes ill suddenly and dies. His widow, will not accept the new will and burns it, promising to think about Quash's freedom. However, the next day she sells Quash to an evil farmer and his son, Hudson, to a sailor. The two are separated, not knowing if they will ever see each other again.

Quash's road to freedom is arduous but by the end of this long chapter, he and his son are reunited as free men once and for all. A great story within a story about the price of freedom topped with a happy ending!

Dec. 25, 2009 - And Another Thing by Eoin Colfer

It's official - I've finally abandoned reading this book which is quite rare for me to do. An overabundance of description as well as nonsensical language overwhelms the plot, if one even exists. Past the halfway point, it's still difficult to say where the characters are or what they are actually doing or even what their final purpose is. The only thing that has happened or will happen (not sure about the time period right now), is that the Earth has been or will be shortly destroyed. Alternating constantly between characters and their different settings adds to the confusion as there seems to be no relation between the circumstances or events they are experiencing.

Just what are Arthur, Ford, Trillian and Zaphod hoping to achieve? The only thing I can gather is that they are looking for another planet to live on now that Earth is gone. And Arthur is obsessed with finding Fenchurch while Ford, Trillian and Zaphod worry about Random Dent.

I did have a quick look at the ending which only confirmed my suspicions. Nothing was clarified or resolved - I felt more confused than ever. My former loyalty to this series has made it difficult to give up on it but reading any further won't help my understanding anyways.

And another thing...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Dec. 24, 2009 - The Templar by Paul Doherty

The title alone attracts me to this novel, as I really enjoy reading about the crusades, the holy wars and the secret organization of The Templars. At the outset of the book, a list of main characters includes Pope Urban II who launched the first crusade at Clermont in 1095. The Franks, Byzantines and Armenians all take part in the adventure which takes place during the years 1097 to 1099 in the ancient cities of Antioch and Jerusalem. The author's note at the back of the novel reveals the historical basis for the plot. Pope Urban's electrifying speech that launched the crusades is recreated here based on actual historical accounts. I always love books that combine history with fiction - it's a much more enjoyable way to learn than reading from a textbook.

This is the second book loaned to me by my friend. However, both books are on hold until I finish "And Another Thing" and "New York" which I am in the process of reading at the moment. I should have named my blog "So many good little time!" Too bad reading can't be a full-time job.

Dec. 23, 2009 - The Last Gospel by David Gibbins

A family friend, with the same reading interests, has loaned me this novel by David Gibbins, the author of the bestseller "Atlantis", who is also a professional archaelogist specializing in underwater excavations, ancient shipwrecks and sunken cities. This background knowledge provides an interesting backdrop upon which to build a fascinating historical adventure.

As I begin reading, the book alternates between events in the present and events in the year 79 AD before the destruction of the ancient civilisation on Pompeii. A fast skim reveals that the reader will journey through historical sites in Rome and Jerusalem on a search to discover the origins of Christianity by finding The Last Gospel.

Already, the fast-paced action combined with historical facts and settings is reminiscent of Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code series. Reviews found on the back cover suggest "a cross between Indiana Jones and Dan Brown" and an adventure in which "every ounce of energy is spent propelling the plot." With praise such as this I am anxious to start reading with the hope that I will indeed experience the same suspense, intrigue and propelling action promised here.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dec. 22, 2009 - And Another Thing by Eoin Colfer

To determine whether I can enjoy this book to a greater extent, I've tried skipping over the references to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Mk II, but I'm still finding something lacking. What is missing is Douglas Adams' humour.  It is this quality that has always stood out prominently in my remembrance of "The Hitchhiker's Guide" books.

As I mentioned in my previous entry, I recently referred back to Douglas Adams' previous novels. I reread a few passages as a comparison and, in doing so, found, once again, the old smile at the corner of my lips and occasional chuckle aloud that characterized my enjoyment of the reading material. That is what I am missing in "And Another Thing...". I do think Colfer is trying, but the descriptive attempts, the character's dialogue and the unusual situations that they are placed in fall short of being humourous to me. I find that I am forcing myself to continue with the expectation that things will improve but such is not the case.

Perhaps I am expecting too much and not giving Colfer the chance to make his perspective and writing style appealing. But, that is the danger in writing a sequel. The reader expects the follow-up to provide a similar experience as the previous works and when this doesn't happen, it is particularly disturbing and uninspiring.

Dec. 21, 2009 - And Another Thing by Eoin Colfer

I'm having a difficult time deciding how I feel about this book. Why am I questioning myself instead of enjoying my reading? Is it because, in my mind, I know it is written by another author trying to match the style of the previous books? For an answer, I turned to the previous five books in the trilogy.

What I discovered, after reading a few passages, is that the author is trying too hard to incorporate the elements that made these books unique. There are too many explanatory passages from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, noticeable because they are written in italics. Although Adams did use similar references, particularly in his first book, the quotes here are confusing, throwing out too many alien names and explanations about previous characters or ideas. Adams interspersed his quotes throughout his novels to comment on the human condition or explain an important fact or idea that related to the story line. Most of Colfer's notes are extra information, not really crucial to the advancement of the plot and therefore, for me, quite tedious to read. Perhaps, if I were to skip over those references, I might find the story more enjoyable.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dec. 20, 2009 - And Another Thing by Eoin Colfer

"It's a big universe out there, and almost anything can, and usually will, happen to the unwary. Pack your towel and enjoy the ride." This quote from the back cover of the book jacket portends another witty intergalactic adventure. However, written by a different author, it remains to be seen whether this sixth book, in what was meant to be a trilogy, will rise to the occasion. The return of major characters Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect, Trillian and Zaphod Beeblebrox as well as the menacing Vogons certainly bodes well in this regard. However, the sheer inclusion of characters and events from past books does not necessarily guarantee a successful match. The quick-witted, sarcastic, zany humour that personifies Douglas Adam's work will be difficult to recreate.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Dec. 19, 2009 - The Element Encyclopedia of Birthdays by Theresa Cheung

"Astrology sees humankind as being influenced not only by hereditary factors and the environment, but also by the state of our solar system at the moment of our birth." According to the sun signs or zodiac, I am a Gemini and thus have certain personality traits and qualities. Geminis are talkative, highly intelligent people who crave intellectual stimulation and are easily bored by mundane tasks or idle chatter. They are adventurous, risk-taking individuals who enjoy being involved in a variety of activities, preferably all at the same time. I happen to match all of these characteristics and in fact, my whole family, consisting of 2 Taurus birthdays and a Libra match their zodiac descriptions quite accurately too. Is this ancient practice valid?

This book goes beyond the basic zodiac signs to incorporate all four of the ancient arts - numerology, astrology, Tarot, and chromatherapy (colour theory). It provides a specific birthday profile for each day of the year. My family had a lot of fun reading the descriptions and predictions for each other. We realized that much of what was written about us was true.

In fact, as a teacher, I keep track of all my students zodiac signs. I find that knowing what their signs are helps me to understand them on a different level. For example, the Taurus sign is the most stubborn of all the personalities. You cannot move Taurus, the bull. However, they respond favorably to positive praise and even a hug or physical contact. This has alleviated many potentially disagreeable situations both at home and at school. Also, a Taurus cannot lie if asked a question directly. This has come in handy on more than one occasion. For example, I amazed a principal when I easily discovered which students were sabotaging the computer lab. I called down the one student who was a Taurus, asked him directly who was responsible and he told me without hesitation. The principal asked me how I did that and I responded by saying, "He's a Taurus. It's not in him to lie."

My friend has a son who is a Pisces and she is always going on about Pisces males. One of her complaints is that he never remembers her birthday. One year, I was giving a French test on date, time and weather. One of the questions, in French, was "When is your mother's birthday." All six of my French classes were reviewing this concept. In the first class, a boy put up his hand and said, "I'm sorry Madame but I don't know my mother's birthday." I was surprised but noted that this boy was a Pisces. I told him that all I needed was a date in the correct format. He happily provided a different date. In the next class, another boy asked the same question - he was a Pisces too. At recess, I gathered together 8 boys who were Pisces and explained that I was doing a survey. I told them my belief and they all responded that in fact, none of them knew their mother's birthday. All but one, who insisted he was not a typical Pisces - he knew the exact date. We all had a laugh about this circumstance. The next morning, the student who had insisted he knew the date returned to tell me "Madame, about my mother's birthday, I was wrong." Above all, Pisces are honest.

Another year, I was having difficulty with one class in particular working in groups. Every time we tried to work with a partner or group, invariably students had difficulty. It was impossible. My friend and I decided to do a quick zodiac review. We discovered that a third of the class was Virgo. "That's your problem right there," my friend said. Apparently, Virgos do not like working in groups. I took my friend's advice and told students they could choose to work alone or in a group. The Virgos went off happily by themselves, the others worked in a group and the class went on smoothly.

Situations like these, lead me to believe that there is some truth and validity in the zodiac practice. Too many times, I have been able to deal with individuals based on knowledge about their personalities. After all, it certainly can't hurt to have this information, especially in today's world of collaboration and communication. As long as we keep an open mind and avoid stereotyping, the zodiac is a useful tool in any situation.

Dec. 18, 2009 - Wave by Eric Walters

During Boxing Day of 2004, people all  over the world were shocked to hear about the tsunami that swept across the Indian Ocean, destroying whole villages, killing over 155, 000 people and injuring thousands of others while leaving them homeless. An earthquake registering 9.0 on the Richter scale, one of the largest in history, was the cause of the tsunami.

Many countries and especially islands around the Indian Ocean were affected - India, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Somalia, Sri Lanka and many others.  Even countries as far as Australia and Madagascar felt some of the effects, experiencing flooding, the sinking or grounding of boats, and destruction of property. However, since many people were vacationing here over the Christmas holidays, the pain was felt worldwide with casualties from nations throughout the globe. This caused a tremendous outpouring of humanitarian support from individuals, organizations and even school children. I remember our school collecting donations and organizing a clothing drive upon returning to school after Christmas break.

This is the subject of Eric Walters new book, Wave, a book written for young readers but one I thoroughly enjoyed. It follows a family of four who vacations in Thailand in the Phuket area every Christmas. This year the family goes without their daughter who is in university and has an important swim meet after Christmas. They are nervous about leaving her alone for the holidays but as it turns out, Beth is the one who must fly to Thailand after she hears the devastating news on TV.

Written from two points of view, the son, Sam, in the first half who is with his parents in Thailand and the daughter, Beth, who flies to Thailand to find her family, the story is thoroughly engaging, despite knowing the outcome ahead of time...that a deadly tsunami will soon be on its way.

I found myself hoping that this family would survive and be reunited with their daughter. I do love happy endings. I read the book with apprehension from the outset, knowing that this might not be the case since so many people lost their lives. But, as in any disaster such as 9-11 for example, there were also many heroes, people who risked their lives to save others. Sam and his father do just that during the first wave of the tsunami. They save a mother and her baby who are eventually reunited with her husband. Unbeknownst to them, a second wave is on its way. Now the question is, can they save themselves?

Friday, December 18, 2009

Dec. 17, 2009 - New York by Edward Rutherfurd

"Loyalty was important to Margaretha de Groot." A second theme is suggested here as Van Dyck's wife wonders about her husband's fidelity during his many extended trading journeys with the Iroquois Indians. Meanwhile, he is on the way home with his Indian child, obviously having been unfaithful to his wife. As he realizes the gravity of his situation, he asks the child not to tell anyone who she really is.

Meanwhile, Margaretha, is contemplating infidelity herself as she admires Governor Stuyvesant and imagines what it would be like to sleep with him. As she interacts with him, phrases such as "Her heart missed a beat - she couldn't help it",  and "She felt a little rush of emotion. She wanted to put a hand on his arm, but didn't dare",  reveal her feelings for this admirable man.

An illegitimate child, a wife with a wandering eye and an unfaithful husband are all wonderful "hooks" to a story that I'm sure will be an epic.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dec. 16, 2009 - New York by Edward Rutherfurd

"So this was freedom." The opening line of the novel already suggests a recurring theme. In this instance, Van Dyck, returning from a trading trip, reflects on the freedom he has found in a land of many rivers, mountains and forests. Away from his wife and family and alone in the wilderness, he relishes this complete freedom from his life and responsibilites.

The next character to be introduced is Tom Master. Again the theme becomes apparent immediately. "In his hand was the letter from his brother Eliot, telling him that their father was dead. Tom was too honest to pretend he was sorry. Now he was free." Tom has always felt stifled by his father who attempted to keep him in line and out of trouble. His father had sent him away from New Amsterdam and back to London in disgrace. Now, with his father dead, he has the freedom to choose what the future will hold for him. With his penchant for misbehaviour and alcohol abuse, I am sure trouble will soon follow.

Dec. 15, 2009 - New York by Edward Rutherfurd

One of the reasons I love the works of Edward Rutherfurd is that I always learn a lot of history as I read his novels. This particular story begins in New Amsterdam in 1644. What once started as a small trading post at the point of a natural harbour has already, within 50 years, become a busy port of 1500 people - due to the efforts of Governors Stuyvesant and Minuit.

Obviously, given the title, the port that was once New Amsterdam eventually grew into the modern city of New York. But what I had not realized was the Dutch background of this cosmopolitan city. A little research on the internet confirmed the reality of these facts. It was indeed the Dutch, through the efforts of the Dutch East India Company, who first settled the area and controlled the port for forty years.

However, it is not only the setting that is rooted in history but the characters as well. Introduced at the outset of the story, the characters of both Minuit and Stuyvesant did exist and are portrayed quite accurately. For example, according to the website, "Stuyvesant was a sturdy, self-willed, obstinate old fellow, with little culture and much strength of character. He was a man of great energy and no doubt his intentions were honorable; but he was born autocrat, had no sympathy with democracy and no power to read public opinion. He was an experienced soldier and had lost a leg in battle." It is this same man who is described at the outset of the novel as "Tall, upright, determined, with piercing eyes, he might be gray, and well into middle age now, but he was still indomitable. As for the peg leg, it was a badge of honour, a reminder of his battles."

The ability to repackage history into an epic story of human passions and struggles makes for a great learning experience as well as a fascinating read.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Dec. 14, 2009 - Everything You Need to Know About Breaking Bad Food Habits, Chatelaine

I was drawn to this article because, as many of us have invariably discovered, it is difficult to resist making poor food choices in today's fast-food society. Over the years, I have developed some very bad food habits. One of the worst is that I happen to be addicted to potato chips. It doesn't really matter what kind - barbecue, salt & vinegar, doritos, all dressed, hickory sticks - whatever the brand, they are all appealing. And, no matter how hard I try to avoid eating them, the cravings easily out-distance any self-control I might have, especially if I am tired or stressed after a long day at work. I convince myself that eating chips is my reward for a difficult day.

So, how can I make the changes necessary to break these "bad food habits"? This article is based on an interview with David Kessler, the author of a book entitled "The End of Overeating". The answers provided in the interview help us to understand why cravings happen and how we can alter our thinking about food. For example, food cues such as smelling or seeing food or being in a situation or location that reminds us of food can often lead to binge eating. Often, a simple TV commercial can be a catalyst for poor snack choices. Every time we indulge in our cravings, we strengthen the impulse to do it again. Instead, we need to change the way we look at food. Highly processed foods, although tasty, do not leave us feeling satisfied or healthy. The author suggests eliminating foods that make you lose control, replacing negative stimuli with positive food choices, and planning what and when you are going to eat next to avoid impulsive choices when you are famished.

This piece lead me to a related article in the same issue on breaking habits, "What Change Means to Me". Given this is the January 2010 issue, the time of well-meaning resolutions, both these articles will interest those of us who want to start the New Year off with a goal, even if it will be difficult to attain.

Dec. 13, 2009 - The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

Although there were a few twists as this book wound to a climax, I felt the ending to be rather anticlimactic. Nothing earth-shattering was revealed, the main character was rescued, the villain died and everyone lived happily ever after. However, I expected far more than a fairy-tale ending. Even Katherine Solomon's research in the controversial field of Noetic science did not grow to the point of adding mystery or excitement to the plot.

Although I still enjoyed this book, in some ways the ending left me feeling disappointed and even frustrated. I was expecting some kind of revelation about the Masons or the ancient secret or portal that was continually mentioned. The secrets that were revealed were rather routine or expected - the ends tied too neatly together and where I should have been left hanging or wondering, I felt let down instead.

In any case, The Lost Symbol remains a book that I would recommend to fans of Dan Brown's previous novels. I would definitely be interested in hearing if anyone else has a similar opinion.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dec. 12, 2009 - What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell

I am very excited to pick up Malcolm Gladwell's newest book today at the library. Because I love to read so much, my house is overflowing with books - in the basement, the family room, the living room, the bedroom, and, yes, even the kitchen and bathrooms. Not to mention, this is an expensive habit to maintain.

In the interest of saving money and space, I am attempting to buy fewer books. Instead, I am using the local library as much as possible. This does mean that I have to wait to read the newest literary offerings and patience is not always one of my virtues, at least when it comes to books. But, I can be more selective with the works I choose to acquire.

How to decide what is worthy of a spot on my bookshelf? By choosing only those books that are my personal favourites and that I would refer to or read again. This includes The Lord of the Rings trilogy which, believe it or not, I have read 14 times. There is so much detail here, that I learn something new every time I read it. In the reference category, the book It's All Too Much by Peter Walsh, inspires me to declutter my house with practical advice and examples that are worth revisiting. Among other fictional favourites are the Edward Rutherfurd books like Sarum, The Forest and The Princes of Ireland, brimming with historical facts in a refreshing perspective. His newest book, New York, is out now and that is one that I will definitely purchase to add to my collection.

Speaking of which, it's time to go the library and the bookstore. Malcolm Gladwell and Edward Rutherford await!

Dec. 11, 2009 - The Lost Symbol, web connections

The topic of freemasonry goes well back in history so a google search for The Lost Symbol revealed some interesting resources for further consideration.

The National Heritage Museum website contains many links to topics regarding freemasonry. You can link to other articles and websites through sidebar menus as well as in the article itself.

The book An Illustrated Guide to the Lost Symbol - The History, The Secrets, The Discovery, edited by John Weber, is also worthy of mention. Teeming with information about The House of the Temple, The Capitol, The Library of Congress and other important Washington buildings and monuments, this is definitely a great companion to the novel, especially if you enjoy learning more about the history behind the story. It also includes a chapter on noetic science which figures predominantly in the plot, as well as numerous photos of the places mentioned. Another companion work, The Guide to Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol by Greg Taylor is available, at least in the UK and the US. (I'm not sure if either of these books is available in Canada at the moment.)

Dan Brown's official website is also of interest with links to bizarre facts, reviews, resources and even a symbol quest which reveals that the release date of this novel corresponds to the number 33 (as in the 33rd step of Freemasonry).

The Masonic Society website also provides us with information and images as well as a list of recommended reading material. National Geographic's article "The Lost Symbol and The Freemasons: 8 Myths Decoded", gives us some interesting points to ponder such as the myth that the freemason symbols are everywhere and that the Knights Templar were freemasons that hid a priceless treasure. Fact or fiction? You decide.

And for an alternate viewpoint on Dan Brown's writing talents, try The Telegraph's article, The Lost Symbol and The Da Vinci Code: Author Dan Brown's 20 worst sentences. Interesting that I never really noticed since I was so caught up in the quickly advancing, warp speed plot rather than the literary style.

Dec. 10, 2009 - New York by Edward Rutherfurd

The following review appears on the Amazon website: “Like James Michener and Leon Uris, Rutherfurd does a magnificent job of packaging a crackling good yarn within a digestible overview of complex historical circumstances and events.”Booklist

This is exactly the reason I enjoy reading Edward Rutherfurd's novels so much. Last night, in a discussion with a fellow enthusiast at a Christmas party, I found out that New York is now available and I can't wait to start reading it. Historical fiction is one of my favourite genres as I love to learn while reading an engaging narrative. History is so much easier to digest within a good story line especially when you can live it through the character's trials and tribulations as they experience historical events. And, the city of New York would definitely have an interesting and rich history!

Dec. 9, 2009 - The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

As I delve further into this book, the reviews I mentioned previously, "a stunning follow-up" and "his most thrilling novel yet", seem to contradict my feelings. Although I am enjoying The Lost Symbol, I am finding it to be quite formulaic and therefore not as exciting as Angels and Demons. After this third novel, would I find Angels and Demons as riveting if I were to read it again?

Even the movie industry's attempt at recreating the intrigue and excitement of Angels and Demons was a failure. The book is so much better than the movie. I found the same with The Da Vinci Code. There is no way to recreate the interplay of intricate plot details with symbolic clues and historical facts that link to the climax and propel events to their electrifying conclusion without leaving something out. The concept of time, with events taking place before or after the present is also difficult to portray on screen. As a reader, we can go back and revisit important points to clarify their meaning and shed light on present events. This is much more difficult to do in a movie. The interconnection of characters is another obstacle. What one person does affects another's actions which is clearer in the books.

Even so, I am sure that The Lost Symbol will spawn another movie rendition that will attract Dan Brown fans the world over.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dec. 8, 2009 - A Separate Peace by John Knowles

The more things change, the more they stay the same. I was reminded of the book "A Separate Peace" recently when my daughter came home from high school announcing she had to do an assignment on it. It was one of my favourite novels in high school, among other classics such as To Kill a Mockingbird and the Shakespearean plays we studied. It seems that much of the English program has remained the same in secondary school whereas there have been massive curriculum changes in the elementary panel. But, just what was it about this book that I enjoyed so much as a teenager?

Perhaps it was the protagonists. Phineas is an extremely enigmatic character whose intentions are difficult to decipher. His relationship with the narrator, Gene, provides a significant contrast reminiscent of the Odd Couple. Gene is introverted and intellectual. He doesn't like to break the rules. Phineas is the best athlete at Devon school and quite the daredevil. It is this daring, spontaneous behaviour that causes his accident. From that point on, Phineas uses Gene to live out his dreams.

Another interesting character is Leper Lepellier. The sound of the name alone is humourous. In the section I am currently reading, Leper has become the first of the Devon boys to enlist in the war effort. After his departure, everytime the boys read about a significant event in the war, they imagine that Leper was involved. They discuss "Leper's stand at Stalingrad, Leper on the Burma Road, Leper's convoy to Archangel; we surmised that the crisis over the leadership of the Free French would be resolved by the appointment of neither de Gaulle nor Giraud but Lepellier; we knew, better than the newspapers, that it was not the Big Three but the Big Four who were running the war." Dealing with the war in this way, helps the boys come to terms with its devastating effects.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dec. 7, 2009 - Books for Everybody

I always enjoy perusing this gift guide published in the fall by Wordsworth Books in Waterloo. The inside cover describes the guide as "an easy and relaxing way to organize your holiday shopping." It is catalogued by subject such as Fiction, People, History, and Science and Current Issues. The middle section includes a Young Readers' Edition with hand-picked selections of picture books, fiction and non-fiction titles. Each entry shows a picture of the cover and includes a brief synopsis of the book. Many current and popular titles are featured.

So which books intrigued me the most? I tend to stick with my favourite genres - historical fiction, fantasy, and science-fiction. The Twelve Extraordinary Canadians award-winning series written by various authors and sponsored by Macleans magazine is definitely appealing. The series includes books about writers L.M. Montgomery and Stephen Leacock, musician Glenn Gould, artist Emily Carr and former prime ministers Pierre Trudeau and Lester B. Pearson among others.

For Twilight and Vampire Diaries enthusiasts the sequel to Dracula looks interesting. It is written by a descendant of Bram Stoker and endorsed by the Stoker family. Dracula - The UnDead is set in London 25 years after the end of the original novel. Also in the sequel category is The Blythes Are Quoted by L.M. Montgomery, edited by Benjamin Lefebvre. It is a novel that was completed shortly before her death and meant to be the ninth in the Anne of Green Gables series. And Another Thing is the name of the sixth novel in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy trilogy. Written by Eoin Colfer of Artemis Fowl fame, the writing of this sequel was approved by Douglas Adams widow, Jane Belson.

Other titles that have been added to my reading list are Under this Unbroken Sky by Shandi Mitchell, The Carnivore by Mark Sinnett, Kanata by Don Gillmor, The Twelve by William Gladstone, The Knife Sharpener's Bell by Rhea Tregebov, and The Winter Ghosts by Kate Mosse.

In today's busy society, guides such as this one provide an easily accessible way of finding good literature in the comfort of our own homes. Now, when I visit the library, I can quickly find the books I'm interested in without having to spend too much time browsing through the shelves.

Dec. 6, 2009 - The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

Revolutionary theories are another interesting facet of Dan Brown's novels. In this particular book, the field of Noetic science is introduced. The sister of the kidnapped character is conducting important research that will change the world if her ideas are revealed.

I was immediately intrigued by this field of science so I searched the internet and discovered that it is indeed a true area of research with its own institute situated in California. The home page of the Institute of Noetic Science states its mission as "advancing the science of consciousness and human experience to serve individual and collective transformation." This non-profit organization conducts research into "the potentials and powers of consciousness." The research link ( provides specific information about the institute's work that parallels the depiction of this field in the novel. It includes three areas of study - creativity, intuition and intention.

Count on Dan Brown to find an obscure but highly intriguing, controversial topic as the basis for an exciting, multi-faceted adventure.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Dec. 5, 2009 - The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

Dan Brown has devised a winning formula for writing successful novels and it is one that is obvious to anyone who has read either the Da Vinci Code or Angels and Demons. Yet again, the same pattern emerges in the plot. Robert Langdon is called to investigate a grisly kidnapping involving a severed hand adorned in ancient symbols. Wasn't it an eyeball in Angels and Demons? And there was a kidnapping and a race against time using clues and symbols to find a concealed bomb in that book. I wonder what the race will be here - an artifact to discover or someone to save before it is too late? Of course, Langdon's background in deciphering ancient symbols will lead everyone to the exciting climax and conclusion. And just for interest, there will be a lovely female counterpart to liven things up in the romantic arena and a hard-nosed political official to deal with like Director Inoue Sato. Along the way, we'll learn some history and science, some of which will be actual fact.

Now usually, I'd be the first to lose interest with the repetition and predictability of such an endeavour. However, the suspense and fast-paced intrigue evident in Brown's writing is always an exciting combination. Short, riveting chapters filled with clues and symbols move between events and characters and enable us to piece the story together like a giant puzzle. And, it's always fun to try to predict the final outcome. Like guessing the gender of an unborn baby, we feel a definite pleasure in saying, "I knew so-and-so was the bad guy all along!"

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Dec. 4, 2009 - The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

"To live in this world without becoming aware of the meaning of the world is like wandering about in a great library without touching the books." This quote from The Secret Teachings of All Ages begins the novel, followed by an important fact describing a cryptic document locked in a CIA safe since 1991 that contains references to an ancient portal. Although the Freemasons, the Invisible College, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences as well as monuments and artwork depicted in the novel are described as real, I doubt that the document in question actually exists - it would be interesting if it did!

The prologue introduces us to a mysterious character who is sure to play an important part in the adventure.  Characteristically, Robert Langdon, famous symbologist and historian, is interrupted from his daily life when he receives an impromptu invitation to deliver a speech at the U.S. Capitol building by his longtime mentor, Peter Solomon, who is a Freemason. This will inevitably spark an unstoppable chain of events that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the final outcome is revealed.

Dec. 3, 2009 - The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown

A race against time, through historical and symbolic references, to rescue a kidnapped friend marks another exciting adventure from Dan Brown. I am finally ready to start reading this book which has been on my bookshelf since it came out. I loved The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons so much that it has been difficult to wait.

After the slow-paced Friday Night Knitting Club, the quick-paced plot and sophisticated intrigue characteristic of Dan Brown's writing is extremely enticing. It's the type of book that I can easily devour in one sitting. Just reading the synopsis on the inside book flap has me salivating to begin this new adventure which is described as "a stunning follow-up..." and "his most thrilling novel yet."

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dec. 2, 2009 - The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs

I finished reading this book in tears last evening, moved by the outcome but also frustrated with the speed of events in the last quarter of the book. After a slow-moving plot with more emphasis on character development, I was disappointed that what did happen was too abrupt given the pace of the rest of the material. Some characters' situations were barely resolved while most of the others were dealt with quite superficially. Rather than delve into how each of the characters coped with the events and supported each other, only a quick mention was made of their responses. This may be because the focus of the story was Georgia rather than the other character's lives.

After all, I did enjoy this book although I don't think it would be one I'd read again. As I mentioned in a previous entry, I really do consider it movie material - it would make a great screenplay. An all-star cast would bring the characters to life, portraying each of their unique personalities and deficiencies with emotion and veracity. Perhaps, The Friday Night Knitting Club may turn up soon at your local theatre.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dec. 1, 2009 - The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs

It seems that Georgia would rather turn to her friends for advice and support about her illness rather than confide in James or tell her daughter. In fact, she starts avoiding James and throws herself into her work and her friends' problems instead of taking time for herself. What is going on? I believe she is trying to keep things normal in her life to avoid facing the inevitable. Cancer is taking over her body and she feels powerless to escape it. Continuing with her routines and giving advice to others enables Georgia to still feel in control. "I'm still the go-to-girl in a crisis...I'm still me."

I think I can see now why the author spent so much time building the relationships between all the female characters. In the end, it is this support group, this group of friends that Georgia has supported and advised throughout the story, that will come to her aid at a most crucial moment. "A friend in need, is a friend indeed."

Nov. 30, 2009 - The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs

All this time, I've been waiting for something exciting to happen in this story and now, finally, in Chapter 22, my wishes are fulfilled. Georgia admits she still loves James, her ex-boyfriend and the father of her child, Dakota, and James reveals he's always loved Georgia but made a big mistake giving her up. A little too late though as they barely have time for any happiness before the ultimate tragic event strikes - the big C - in the form of ovarian cancer. Bam! What a revelation. After waiting so long for some action, I'm almost in shock. To top it all off, Georgia and her friends and family only have 90 pages to deal with this illness and its end result.

Will she fight this battle and survive, with her family's support, or will Dakota and James face a life alone without Georgia? Fortunately, I won't have to read too much further to find out.