Wednesday, May 26, 2010

May 8, 2010 - The Book of Awesome by Neil Pasricha

Attracted by the title and the cover, AWESOME painted in fluorescent-coloured letters across the front, I immediately grabbed this book off the shelf and started flipping through the pages. What I found inside was a collection of ideas that made me chuckle aloud, not necessarily because they were humourous, but because I found myself connecting to the observations.

Who doesn't love popping bubble wrap? And, the description of the numerous ways of performing the popping are all things I've tried in the past. What about the feeling of total accomplishment and satisfaction experienced after working on untying a really stubborn knot? Or, the feeling of a hot shower after being deprived for a few days? From humorous observations about the "5 second rule" to the frustrating account of the great key hunt, the stories profile common occurrences in everyday life that we rarely take the time to relish.

Based on the blog, 1000 Awesome Things, this book will make you smile and laugh as you connect with the experiences described. "Awesome things are all around us - sometimes, we just need someone to point them out."

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