Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Dec. 27, 2009 - Focal Point by Brian Tracy

Today I picked up a few self-help books from the library. This being the end of one year and the beginning of a new one, improving my life by setting new goals seems appropriate and timely. Many people set New Year's Resolutions. I like to choose a motto for the year instead. This usually takes much thought as the motto must reflect my goals and aspirations for the new year. I am hoping that some reading material may assist me in formulating my 2010 motto.

"A Proven System to Simplify Your Life, Double Your Productivity and Achieve All Your Goals." As the subtitle suggests, this book proposes straightforward, simple, but key ideas to help people achieve their goals in life. This includes business and career goals, family and personal goals, money and investments, health and fitness, personal growth and development, social and community activities, and spiritual development leading to inner peace.

After a short anecdote, the first chapter begins with the statement that there are only four things you can do to improve the quality of your life. Sounds simple and yet, when you consider the four principles, you realize the profound truth behind them: do more of certain things, do less of certain things, start doing things you are not doing and stop doing other things altogether. Seems reasonable and easy to achieve but deciding what these activities should be requires some consideration. Which activities are beneficial to us and important stepping stones in achieving our goals and which are not?

One thing that is obvious in the anecdotes shared is that one must have the desire and the discipline to make these improvements and changes. As in any job or activity, we must take the initiative to analyze our situation and then follow through with a plan to improve the quality of our lives.

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