Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dec. 12, 2009 - What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell

I am very excited to pick up Malcolm Gladwell's newest book today at the library. Because I love to read so much, my house is overflowing with books - in the basement, the family room, the living room, the bedroom, and, yes, even the kitchen and bathrooms. Not to mention, this is an expensive habit to maintain.

In the interest of saving money and space, I am attempting to buy fewer books. Instead, I am using the local library as much as possible. This does mean that I have to wait to read the newest literary offerings and patience is not always one of my virtues, at least when it comes to books. But, I can be more selective with the works I choose to acquire.

How to decide what is worthy of a spot on my bookshelf? By choosing only those books that are my personal favourites and that I would refer to or read again. This includes The Lord of the Rings trilogy which, believe it or not, I have read 14 times. There is so much detail here, that I learn something new every time I read it. In the reference category, the book It's All Too Much by Peter Walsh, inspires me to declutter my house with practical advice and examples that are worth revisiting. Among other fictional favourites are the Edward Rutherfurd books like Sarum, The Forest and The Princes of Ireland, brimming with historical facts in a refreshing perspective. His newest book, New York, is out now and that is one that I will definitely purchase to add to my collection.

Speaking of which, it's time to go the library and the bookstore. Malcolm Gladwell and Edward Rutherford await!

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