Monday, December 28, 2009

Dec. 25, 2009 - And Another Thing by Eoin Colfer

It's official - I've finally abandoned reading this book which is quite rare for me to do. An overabundance of description as well as nonsensical language overwhelms the plot, if one even exists. Past the halfway point, it's still difficult to say where the characters are or what they are actually doing or even what their final purpose is. The only thing that has happened or will happen (not sure about the time period right now), is that the Earth has been or will be shortly destroyed. Alternating constantly between characters and their different settings adds to the confusion as there seems to be no relation between the circumstances or events they are experiencing.

Just what are Arthur, Ford, Trillian and Zaphod hoping to achieve? The only thing I can gather is that they are looking for another planet to live on now that Earth is gone. And Arthur is obsessed with finding Fenchurch while Ford, Trillian and Zaphod worry about Random Dent.

I did have a quick look at the ending which only confirmed my suspicions. Nothing was clarified or resolved - I felt more confused than ever. My former loyalty to this series has made it difficult to give up on it but reading any further won't help my understanding anyways.

And another thing...

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