Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 12, 2010 - The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

"Stimulate the mind in new ways." This was another of Gretchen's awareness goals for the month of October and one she took truly to heart. I was impressed with the number of activities she experimented with in her pursuit of happiness. Living in New York city provided the opportunity to try any number of classes - there were no limits to what was available. From hypnosis to laughter yoga and special drawing classes, it sounds like the mind wasn't the only thing being cultivated. I hadn't even heard of laughter yoga before reading this book. "Laughter yoga combines clapping, chanting, breathing, and stretching exercises drawn from yoga to calm the mind and the body, and the simulated laughter provoked by the exercises often turns into real laughter." Trying something completely new and different stimulates the brain to use previously untapped areas. Novel experiences can encourage happiness but not all activities were successful for Gretchen. Some were more frustrating than calming or inspiring.

I agree that we do need changes in our situation every so often to challenge ourselves rather than accepting the status quo.  A new challenge provides us with growth opportunities while staying in the same job for too long only makes one stagnant and inflexible. So go ahead - add some excitement to your life by trying something new, something you've never done before but have always wanted to try. Perhaps something daring or indulgent for a change. Shaking things up could well be worth it!

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