Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 10, 2010 - The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

The Zen Buddhist concept of mindfulness, or "conscious, non-judgmental awareness", is the focus for October's happiness plan. Paying attention to the details of our actions and living in the moment, appreciating each activity, no matter how simple, can inspire us to find happiness. The benefits of mindfulness are many. Awareness brings clarity to the experiences of everyday life and helps to calm our mind while elevating brain function. When we are not busy multi-tasking, we are happier, less stressed and more apt to be engaged with others. How many times have you done a task on "automatic pilot" and then worried about the outcome? Did you close the garage door? Did you unplug the flat iron before leaving for work? Did you lock the door? Where did you put those keys?

When we are constantly rushing and trying to do more than one thing at once, we are not practising awareness. Did you notice the spring tulips popping up from the ground or the buds on the trees, ready to burst forth in foliage last time you went outside? Were you paying full attention to what your children or husband were telling you about their day? We are all guilty of overlooking the beauty of life as we rush around to complete our self-imposed to-do lists.

Meditation is one technique to learn how to become more aware. This may involve breathing exercises, music, yoga or other strategies. Whatever the method, there is definitely merit in slowing down the pace of our lives and taking time to enjoy the simple pleasures we all take for granted, one thing at a time.

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