Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Jan. 5, 2010 - Digital Citizenship in Schools by Gerald Bailey and Mike Ribble

With technology evolving rapidly and students immersed in social media, digital citizenship has become one of the newest catch-phrases and concerns for our youth. The meaning of the term is still elusive to many educators and parents alike. That's where this book comes in and it couldn't have been written at a better time.

Beginning with a straightforward explanation of the term "digital citizenship" and why it is an important topic in today's world, the authors highlight nine important elements including access, commerce, communication, literacy, etiquette, law, rights and responsibilites, health and wellness, and security. After a thorough explanation and discussion of these elements and how they pertain to the use of technology, the authors provide plans, activities, guided lessons, models, demonstrations and rubrics for teachers to use in educating their students to become responsible users of technology. From cyberbullying, to cell phone use, to digital addiction and plagiarism, the topics covered are relevant to numerous situations that are visible in society due to the accessibility and transparency of digital resources and identities.

Our world is expanding and shrinking at the same time due to the technologies available to us. It is evident that we must all make an effort to understand this new environment with its laws and implications in order to cope as citizens of a much different world than we have experienced in the past.

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