The March issue of Chatelaine features a comprehensive series of articles on heart health focussing on a famous Canadian opera singer, Measha Brueggergosman. Last year, Measha was the victim of an aortic dissection which nearly caused her to lose her life. It happened suddenly, at dinner one night, without warning. All of a sudden she felt a hard lump in her throat and her upper body began feeling numb. She didn't feel well so her husband took her home where things got worse. She was taken to the hospital by ambulance but was sent home to await an MRI in four days. However, after only a day and a half the pain was unbearable and she went back to a different hospital. Fortunately, the doctors this time caught the problem - an aortic dissection - and she was rushed to surgery with only a 50 to 70% chance of survival.
In hindsight, Measha realizes she should have known better - her father had had three heart attacks, quadruple bypass surgery, and a clot in his aorta. A genetic predisposition such as this should have been a warning. The possibility of never singing Mahler again or learning song cycles she hadn't done before helped Measha gain a new perspective on life. "There's no such thing as the best singer - that's a ridiculous pursuit - but there is such a thing as being the authority on something, and, part of me would just like to be the authority on living." Quite a digression from the lifestyle of an opera diva.
This article is followed by pages of information under the main heading, Love Your Heart. The heart is one of the most important organs in the body yet also one of the most neglected. What we eat, how we live and what we do affects our heart and by extension our overall health. It is important to know the risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as high blood pressure, menopause, family history, lack of exercise, high blood cholesterol, smoking, diabetes, obesity and stress and depression. A diagram is provided to show the parts of the body where pain may indicate a heart attack. A daily planner for heart health describes a typical day and gives heart healthy advice. From what to do if you are having a heart attack to the truth about cholesterol and top tests, this article covers every imaginable heart topic.
It's time for a "heart-to-heart" with women, the main audience for Chatelaine magazine, whose chances of dying from heart disease are six times higher than from breast cancer. "A little awareness - combined with exercise and a healthy diet - can save your life."
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