Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nov. 11, 2009 - Eric Walters, Shattered

I'm reading the book Shattered for school as my Grade 8's are starting literature circles next term. I like to read the books we are studying in order to discuss them intelligently and to assist students in their understanding. Many of my students enjoy Eric Walter's work and now I can see why.

The story is written in an informal style with fairly straightforward and modern, teenage vocabulary. The description of characters or setting are not long or involved and the story begins with a hook to get the reader interested. Eric Walters often writes about issues and concerns in the world today. One of the topics this book deals with is the homeless. It offers a unique perspective on the attitudes and lives of people who live on the streets. The main character is a teenage boy who needs to complete his volunteer hours in order to graduate from high school. Our students can relate to this requirement similar to what is expected of them in their education in Ontario.

I think I will learn a lot about the situation of the homeless and how our society can help them by reading this book. Homelessness is something we rarely think about, comfortable in our homes, busy with our own hectic schedules and activities. Volunteering for an organization that helps others puts things in a different perspective and helps us realize what is truly important in life. Each one of us can make a difference, one small step at a time.

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